Kriativ-techVolume 1, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages: xxxReceived: Nov. 28, 2017;Accepted: Dec. 8, 2017;Published: Feb. 24, 2018


Joana Carvalho, ISTEC – Departamento de Estudos e Investigação em Tecnologias de Informação e Sociedade



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Joana Carvalho, O potencial dos Social Media como ferramenta de comunicação dos museus


Social mediaallow individuals tointeractcollaboratively, changing the waythey relateand, asthisarticle argues, the museum institutionsare not indifferentto this change in thecommunication paradigm. The transformationsof modern society, closely linkedto information and communication technology, have raisedissuesfor museums, making them facethesenew challengesof transforming theirsocial role, enhancing theireminentlythrough digitalcommunication.Social media allow an evolving role of the museum, from an information provider to an enabler of knowledge, giving visitors the opportunity to explore, in an active way, creating the basis for the design of new perspectives about the museum. Social mediacan helpthe museum tofulfill itssocial role, bringing it closer tothe public, more diverseand heterogeneous, making the digital asanessential formof communicationmuseum.


Communication, Participatory Culture, Museums, Social Media, Web 2.0


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