Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 8, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Oct. 7, 2020. Accepted: Oct. 19, 2020. Published: Oct. 21, 2020.
Paulo Duarte Branco, Assistant Professor at ISTECPedro Ramos Brandao, Coordinator Professor at ISTEC
To cite this article
P. D. Branco and P. R. Brandao, “Pedagogical Model for Distance Learning”, AE, October 2020. ISBN 978-989-33-1131-8. DOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2020-08-48
This document is a pedagogical model for the distance learning of a Higher Education Institution with more than three decades of existence, as many as its experience in the development of technology-mediated teaching/ training projects in hybrid or distance systems.The thematic has a double interest for academics and educational institutions. At first, by clearly addressing current theoretical and methodological concepts supported by reference bibliography and in line with policies adopted at national and international levels. Second, by presenting actual and practical solutions for implementing the model in its context, which is distance learning.ISTEC's pedagogical model for distance learning, as an institution's internal document, does not close in on itself, opening space to be used and adapted, by others who seek to develop formal education systems, using current technologies and practices.This book thus presents us with a justification for the creation of distance learning cycles, with a concern for inclusive, participatory and Portuguese-speaking education, not neglecting the issues of ethics, cyber-security and data protection, which are increasingly discussed in the academy and at high national and international levels.Although targeted at academics and higher education institutions, this model also serves the interests of organizations and companies, particularly in the field of information and communication technologies, who want to develop active training systems for their staff by making use of the solutions and opportunities that distance learning allows.
E-learning, online learning space, distance learning, pedagogical model for distance learning, distance learning cycles, information and communication technologies.
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