Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Dec. 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb. 25, 2020. Published: Oct. 11, 2021.


Pedro Ramos Brandao, Coordinator Professor at Instituto Superior de Tecnologias AvançadasJeremias Tavares, Master Degree Student at Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas



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Pedro Ramos Brandao, Jeremias Tavares, Detection and Prevention of TCP SYN Flood DoS Attacks: Concepts DOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2021-10-57


Internet security is a topic of high importance, and in recent years it has gained greater popularity with the growing wave of DoS attacks perpetuated through TCP SYN Flood. This kind of attack has several types of motivation: political, unfair competition, human evil. It is intended to deepen the concepts related to this type of attack architecture and which vulnerabilities are exploited that possibly facilitate the success of the SYN Flood. The central attack prevention systems, IDS and IPS, are presented conceptually. A simulation of the attack in a virtually recreated environment is depicted as proof of concept and execution. In contrast, there is evidence of the greater demand and growing sophistication of the means of detection and prevention using modern technologies.


Cybersecurity, IDS, IPS, SYN Flood, DoS


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