Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, January 2023, Pages: xxx Received: Jan. 22, 2023; Accepted: Jan. 27, 2023. Published: Mar. 13, 2023.


Paulo Duarte Branco, Associated Professor at ISTEC

Andreia Teles Vieira, Assistant Professor at ISTEC



To cite this article

Paulo Duarte Branco, Andreia Teles Vieira Educational Resources in Higher Education: experimental studyDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2022-06-83


Over the past few years the need for the adoption of open educational resources in higher education has been growing. The Covid 19 pandemic has shown the gap for the creation and development of technology mediated learning on Higher Education.The curricular unit of Multimedia Technologies for eLearning of the Multimedia Engineering degree from the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas (Lisbon, Portugal) was the chosen example for the promotion and development of this kind of content.After defining the needs arising from the teaching-learning system of the 21st century we came to the conclusion that the video effect would be the widely adopted resource. Thinking about online video consumption to captivate the attention and motivate young students was part of this study.In this article we have tried to give a brief approach to an experiment of a higher education institution that we hope has given, besides testimony, contributions to a design of proximity between Professors and Students.


E-learning; Open educational resources; Education; Audio-scripto-visual.


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