Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, January 2023, Pages: xxx Received: Jan. 22, 2023; Accepted: Jan. 27, 2023. Published: Mar. 13, 2023.
Sérgio Pinto, Assistant Professor at ISTEC
To cite this article
Sérgio Pinto, Application tool for information security and cybersecurity risk management in an organizationDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2022-06-81
Currently organizations are increasingly exposed to information security and cybersecurity attacks. Therefore, this article intends to describe a process for analyzing/auditing potential risks to be able to assist an organization in choosing the security measures and controls to define and implement an adequate level of security. Additionally, this article also intends to be a reference for the development of an application tool to implement this process.
Cybersecurity, Impact, Organization, Probability, Risk, Threat, Vulnerability.
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