Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, January 2023, Pages: xxx Received: Jan. 22, 2023; Accepted: Jan. 27, 2023. Published: Mar. 13, 2023.
António Santos, Assistant Professor at ISTEC
To cite this article
António Santos, Enhancing Caesar’s CipherDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2022-06-80
Before the invention of computers all methods were calculated manually, and as such the cryptographic methods developed during that period took this limitation into account. The Caesar Cipher method was one of the first to be used and disseminated in several countries. This method is very simple, which means that with current means you can break your security quickly and easily. However, it has a characteristic that, given its nature, any change to the method increases its safety, and like other authors in this article, it will be shown that a small change will imply some improvement in the method's safety; transforming the monoalphabetic substitution Caesar cipher into a polyalphabetic substitution cipher with a key created from the displacement element (key) supplied by the user.
Encryption, Substitution cipher, Monoalphabetic, polyalphabetic, Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher.
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