Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Dec. 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb. 25, 2020. Published: Oct. 11, 2021.


António Santos, Assistant Professor at ISTEC



To cite this article

António Santos, Security from Caesar to VigenèreDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2022-06-74


Cryptography has accompanied the human being for centuries, starting with being used only by kings and emperors to communicate with their governors and military until now when its use is in all information transfers carried out digitally. The Caesar cipher was one of the first to appear and served for Roman emperors to communicate with their generals and provincial governors. It is a simple substitution number, and as such it has some limitations which, at the time it was used, were not relevant because of the illiteracy of the populations. While the Vigenère cipher brought much more security, filling the vulnerabilities of the Caeser cipher, transforming the Caeser cipher into a polyalphabetic substitution cipher. In this study we will compare the figures: Caeser, Shift and Vigenère; regarding your safety. It is also intended to make some modifications in order to improve and optimize the code without changing the original cipher.


Encryption, substitution method, Caesar cipher, Shift cipher, Vigenère cipher.


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