Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Dec. 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb. 25, 2020. Published: Oct. 11, 2021.


Paula Serra, Invited Teacher at ISTEC-Porto



To cite this article

Paula Serra, Management of Tourist Destinations – The Case of GuimarãesDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2021-10-68


Destination Management issue has evolved towards the multiple concepts adoption that allow a more efficient coordination of its diverse manifestations in terms of the business potential that can be generate for the territories.Marketing Management, in its sense of market understanding, has been allowed to adjust the offers design in function of the demand most characteristic traits, so tourist's expectations and lived experiences will contribute to transform them in real clients that will return to visit the Destination.[4][5]Given markets globalization, Destinations, on our days, competes strongly for market shares since the differentiation determinants are becoming smaller. Accordingly, Destination Management has sought through Brand policies to revive and revitalize many Destinations which are in decline. This research work aims to evaluate, under case analysis methodology, the particular case of Guimarães city, an average European city with sufficient resources and capacities to attract national and international tourists. Thus, we sought to identify and clarify: (1) attributes, beliefs and associated perceptions that issuing markets recognize and promote with their targets; (2) the process of deciding to choose to visit this destination under test; (3) the degree of perceived quality; (4) the intention to revisit as a measure of loyalty; (5) and the core and peripheral attributes of its Brand image. The obtained results, by the quantitative study conducted, suggest that understanding values, which describe positively city brand image, impact on intention to revisit of under test sample, as well as the understanding factors of Perceive Quality of Destination offer exert a positive impact in its functional evaluation and technical quality, as well as its Promotion Quality and Communication.


Tourism Management; Brand Management; Brand Equity; Tourism Destinations; Covid-19


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