Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Dec. 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb. 25, 2020. Published: Oct. 11, 2021.


João Gonçalves, Assistant Professor at ISTEC



To cite this article

João Gonçalves, Technology, Empowerment and Economic DevelopmentDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2021-10-50


This article is based on a research whose objective was to identify and analyze, in the current context of technological development related to new forms of production and organization of working times, the main impacts that are expected regarding the future of labor, the adequacy of resource qualification, and the challenges of society and economic activity.The research has shown that technological progress, being fundamental to the sustainability of business and economy, requires adjustments at the level of resources, society and companies' empowerment, the State's crucial role in supporting and creating the conditions through public policies for development and economic recovery.


Technology, empowerment, economic development, public policy


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