Kriativ-tech Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018, Pages: xxx Received: Dec. 28, 2019; Accepted: Feb. 25, 2020. Published: Oct. 11, 2021.


Fábio Oliveira da Silva, Master Degree Student at Instituto Superior de Tecnologias AvançadasPaulo Duarte Branco, Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação



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Fábio Oliveira da Silva, Paulo Duarte Branco, Smart Recycle – Development of a waste collection applicationDOI: 10.31112/kriativ-tech-2021-10-53


Currently, the growing population demand for new technological resources, its housing growth and economic growth has brought to the fore a global discussion about how we should progress as a nation without affecting people's health and the planet's natural course in the coming years. Figures from 2019 indicate that each habitant produces 513.4 kilos of waste annually. The Portuguese environment agency has warned that these resources will be too destined for landfills, which will stop almost three out of five kilos (57.6%) of our urban waste.The country's effective recycling rate is (23.7%), when compared to the targets set by the European Union for the year 2025 (55%) Portugal needs impulses and some actions to encourage smart and conscious recycling.One of the factors addressed in this article is the uncontrolled advance of waste generated by individuals and companies, ways in which they are discarded in nature, actions that the government has taken and how the authors intend to help improve these numbers, bringing the country closer to the goals established by European Union.Important facts about waste recycling are:

• Without some type of inspection / incentive / appropriate disposal site or help, many inhabitants choose to dispose of garbage in a simpler and easier way;• There are not enough selective collection points in most countries/cities, or these cannot be easily found by the inhabitants;• Access to public services for collection at home is very scarce and/or poorly managed;• Material characteristics identification is ineffective and does not allow proper disposal;• It is easier to use the “common trash” option if there is no incentive or any policy to raise awareness among the inhabitants;• Correct recycling brings countless benefits not only to the inhabitants and the environment, but also to the economy and industries in general.

As a result of the study, tools in the form of mobile systems and applications with various control resources and intuitive assistants will be delivered in order to facilitate and make more pleasurable and exciting the way in which waste is characterized, disposed and reused by different organizational spheres to considerably reduce incorrect disposal and mitigate this impact on our planet thus making it healthier and less toxic for us and our future generations.


Applications, conscious recycling, economic growth, mobile systems, sustainability, waste collection.


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